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photo of UWA and top companies singing an agreement.

UWA signs a concession Agreement.

UWA signs concession Agreements with Wild places Africa, and Tiang Tiang Group.

Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has today signed concession Agreements with two private sector players; Wild places Africa and Tiang Tiang Group in a bid to develop Uganda Tourism. The agreement was signed to develop the accommodation facilities in Kyambura Wildlife Reserve in Queen Elizabeth national park and Murchison falls national park which is respectively protected areas.

To draw upon conservation–supporting tourism providers for investment in the Country’s 10 national parks, the concession agreement is part and parcel of the initiative between Space for Giants and Uganda Wildlife Authority.

During the agreement, UTB was represented by the Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities and Permanent Secretary Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities by Hon. (Rtd) Col. Tom Butime and Mrs Doreen katusime respectively. John Makombo UWA Acting Executive Director, Dr. Pantaleon Kasoma Chairman UWA Board of Trustees, Justus Karuhanga the Country Director for the conservation NGO Space for Giants, and many more ministers at Rwenzori Tower in Kampala.

“Uganda is continuing to attract investors in higher-end accommodation facilities in protected areas as these are key in marketing destination Uganda and specific protected areas where they possess investment.” Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities Hon. (Rtd) Col. Tom Butime said.

‘’I am optimistic that high-end investors will attract high-profile visitors and returns to the Country while maintaining environmental integrity. I urge the investors to ensure that they complete their investments within the agreed period as stated in the concession agreements signed today’’ He added.

Hon. (Rtd) Col. Tom Butime continuously said that recently Government launched a national brand ‘’Explore Uganda – The Pearl of Africa, to guide the promotion of the destination Uganda. This is driven to give direction on our marketing strategy and harmonize efforts.

‘’The Authority is positive that the investors will start and complete construction in the consented time, and promote the protected areas as preferred tourism destinations.’’ Dr Pantaleon Kasoma UWA Chairman Board of Trustees said during the agreement.

To deliver on its mandate successfully through expanding tourism in protected areas, the Giants Club Conservation Investment Initiative seeks His Excellency President Yoweri Museveni to identify new sources of finance to assist support Uganda Wildlife Authority.

The two companies met in 2020 after a request for expressions of interest to invest in UWA protected areas thus the prerequisites to be offered a concession which has resulted singing an agreement in 2022.

Inside Murchison falls national park and Katole plus Kyambura Wildlife Reserve inside Queen Elizabeth national park, Wild places Africa won two 20-year concessions for developing high-end/low-impact 24-bed luxurious tented camps at Kibaa, Southern Bank. To establish and operate a 44-bed high-end/low-impact tourist accommodation facility, Tiang Tiang Group has one single 20-year concession at Kulunyang in Murchison falls national park located on the Southern bank.









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